SSM Open House

On July 29th, SSM invited about 60 customers, vendors, architects and area contractors over to SSM to see some of the many changes that have happened over the last 18 months since Jeff and Shawn Mann moved into ownership positions along with the company’s founder, Greg Ryder.
A component of the effort to re-energize SSM, the company has been rebranded as evidenced by a new logo. As featured on the trucks and above the entry, the new look extends to a remodel of the front offices, improvements to the shop floor, computers & software investments and several new pieces of equipment.
About the only thing left to finish was the new entry canopy and signage above the front door. Work on that project was in evidence as visitors from all over the Kansas City metro area came by to take a look around and learn about SSM’s capabilities.
Visitors watched demonstrations of SSM‘s high speed Mazak laser and the new Trumpf punch press while looking at various samples of projects in production and viewing a mock up for the new parking garage at Garmin International’s Headquarters.
Guests enjoyed beverages and food prepared by another fixture in the East Bottoms – Local Pig. “The Pig” roasted us a hog and brought their signature, hand made potato chips.