The Next Chapter

Standard Sheet Metal [SSM] begins an exciting, new chapter in the company’s history. Effective Friday, February 24, 2017, Jeff Mann became President & Shawn Mann Vice-President.
The brothers are now co-owners of SSM, completing the transition that was started in 2014. They look forward to continued partnerships while providing a quality service and diversifying the company.
With projects on both coasts, and many places in between, the focus has, and will continue to be on producing the best work possible.
Having grown into a facility of 40,000 square feet, and investments in new equipment, SSM has what it takes to execute projects of all shapes and sizes. As SSM begins a new chapter, we are appreciative of all past and current partnerships and invite you to watch us grow.
PHOTO: Shawn Mann [from right to left], Jeff Mann and Derek Mills review a project with a customer.